
Motor City Muckraker: Angels' Night Was Busy For Fires In Detroit

October 31, 2013, 8:26 AM


In recent years, the number of Angels' Night fires often seems contentious because politicians declare the city quiet, and volunteers in various districts report no activity, yet firefighters rush from one fire to another.

That was the situation Wednesday night and Thursday morning, and Steve Neavling has the scorecard on his Motor City Muckraker Blog, on which he has been keeping track of fires in real time since Wednesday evening. 

“The city was pretty busy,” Senior Chief Larry Gassel told the Free Press. He estimated the city typically experiences five to 10 working structure fires on an average night. “We had at least that overnight.”

As late as 8:38 A.M., firefighters were on the site of a fire at Nashville and Racine on the East Side.

Here is a sample of Neavling's log:

10/31 08:30  Stanford and Cobb Place
Reported dwelling fire.

10/31 08:16  S. Edsel and S. Schaeffer
Reported fire in vacant dwelling.

10/31 07:52  Wetherby and Sarena(?)

10/31 06:32  Lilibridge and E. Canfield
Fire confirmed as rekindle. 

Read more:  Motor City Muckraker

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