
Quotes of the Week: Lions, Pugh, Albom And Grosse Pointe Schools

December 21, 2013, 8:30 AM

Voices include Charlie LeDuff, Sam Riddle, Cindy Pasky, Jack Lessenberry and developer Fernando Palazuelo.

"There are three certainties: The dog bites, the politician lies and the dope man never sleeps.”
-- Charlie LeDuff, in Fox 2 coverage of Detroit police drug raids

"For more than 30 years now, we’ve been waging war on young men like the ones [Chief James] Craig is dragging out of these drug houses. . . . And still, the drugs continue to flow and, sadly, the bullets continue to fly."
-- Darrell Dawsey, Deadline columnist

"Charles [Pugh] did the right thing by getting out of Dodge and I don’t see letting him babysit teenage boys."
-- Sam Riddle, Michigan Citizen columnist

"The GOP assholes running this state are ramming laws and policies through the legislature whose effects on people will be authentically evil."
-- Jack Lessenberry, Metro Times columnist               

“I no longer give my neighbors the benefit of the doubt. I assume they're all racist until they indicate otherwise.”
-- Nancy Nall Derringer of Grosse Pointe Woods, in Facebook post on “equal education” issue in GP Farms  

“They’re dirty and stupid, and now they’re in third place.”
-- Steve Rosenbloom, Chicago Tribune columnist writing about Detroit Lions

“This town has seen so many horrendous quarterbacks over the years that an unspectacular player like Stafford can turn into some type of heroic figure.”
-- Joey Yashinsky, Deadline columnist

“It just may be that Albom's latest literary effort only rises to the level of 1950s B-movies.”
-- Jeff Wattrick, Deadline writer

Graphics by Lauren Ann Davies

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