
Benny Napoleon Concedes Tote-Bag Demographic To Mike Duggan

October 29, 2013, 10:06 AM


For a guy trailing in pretty much every poll, mayoral candidate Benny Napoleon is hard man to track down. Apparently, he was confirmed to appear on WDET's Craig Fahle Show this morning, but canceled at the last minute. Or the second-to-last minute to be precise. Here is how Fahle explained the no-show on his program's Facebook page:

After confirming yesterday that Benny Napoleon would indeed appear on our show today, just two minutes ago, he cancelled (sic). This has been set up for weeks. We will see if we can reschedule, but it may not happen. My sincere apologies.

You'd almost think this guy doesn't want to win or something?

Napoleon "must have forgot," to quote the pro-Napoleon superPAC ad that "God's people require a spiritual leader" who can avail himself to the public scrutiny that comes with media interviews and the like.

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