Timesha Beauchamp with brother (Photo: Fieger Law)
Four Southfield firefighters -- two paramedics and two EMTS -- have been suspended in wake of an incident in which 20-year-old Timesha Beauchamp was mistakenly declared dead and sent to a funeral home. She was subsequently hospitalized.
The department announced Friday on Facebook that the state suspended the licenses of the two paramedics and sent letters of intent to Southfield to suspend the licenses of two EMTs.
The four employees are on administrative leave with pay pending the outcome of the investigation.
Last Sunday morning the Southfield Fire Department responded to a 911 call from a home where Beauchamp was in cardiac arrest.
"The paramedics performed CPR and other life-reviving methods for 30 minutes. Given medical readings and the condition of the patient, it was determined at that time that she did not have signs of life," the department said in an initial statement.
Southfield police saw her move and breathe and called the fire crews back, but fire crews claim those were the side effects of medication she was given, WDIV reported.
She was then taken to the funeral home, where employees found her breathing about two hours later. An ambulance then took her to a hospital.
The family hired attorney Geoffrey Fieger's firm to consider a negligence lawsuit.