
We report for you daily with no paywall. Membership donations help us continue.

September 09, 2020, 7:57 AM


We're into year nine of delivering no-paywall news and perspectives on politicians, cops, developers, chefs, lawyers, performers, athletes, journalists, colorful characters and Metro Detroiters like you.

Posts this summer have included original reports on:

We also restarted "Detroit Digest," our Deadline TV restaurant reviews, and continue featuring vivid galleries by staff member Michael Lucido, who captured emotional moments last week along Belle Isle's "Detroit Memorial Drive."


We hustle up independent journalism daily with a small, committed staff and contributing writers dedicated to informing, entertaining and keeping an eye on the powerful.

Some potential and former advertisers don't like us because we believe there are no sacred cows. Sometimes we pay the price. They won't support us. The truth can be costly, yet none of our articles are locked for subscriber-only access.

So the role of followers like you is important. If our content is worth reading, we hope you agree it's worth supporting. Thanks for considering Deadline Detroit membership for as little as $3 a month -- or more if you can show you value indie newsgathering.

Members are eligible for monthly giveaways of restaurant gift cards, Stabucks cards and other random-drawing prizes. September's list of rewards comes next week.

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