
Membership helps us serve you: The news flow is fast and furious, and we're on it

January 14, 2021, 1:34 PM

January comes at us fast, and it's barely half-done.

This is a buckle-up year of turning-point news about government, health and whatever follows life in a time of Trump and Covid.

We help readers keep aware of Michigan angles and impact as waves of headlines flow from Washington and Lansing the past two weeks. These are among 68 linked summaries and original columns since Insurrection Afternoon:

♦ A roundup of live tweets from Michigan members of Congress hiding from the mob

♦ Charlie LeDuff on "the day we attacked ourselves"

♦ A staff column on three Michigan GOP represenatives who "chose the wrong side of history" that day

♦ A contributor's views on the "half-measure" of banning visible guns at the state Capitol

♦ Three posts Jan. 10-14 on outspoken congressional newcomer Peter Meijer of Michigan

Flint water crisis charges against Rick Snyder and eight others

♦ A local cop's insights about law enforcement tactics during the Capitol riot

Militia protest this Sunday in Lansing

Other recent content includes a heads-up on the latest indoor dining ban extension, how to get a Covid shot in Detroit, where to register for Meijer vaccinations, metro area vaccine distribution status, a new downtown drive-in theater, vegan diet advantages and today's "Craig Fahle Show" conversation with Detroit Council hopeful M.L. Elrick.

We do this without a subscrtiption paywall, as we have since 2012. Our daily news site is supported partly by readers who become Deadline Detroit members by contributing $3 a month or more, or making a yearly donation.

That helps support staff writers, editors and our photojournalist, a freelance network and "back end" tech costs.


If you value the convenience and reliability of independent daily news "curation" focused on Southeast Michigan, we hope you'll JOIN OTHER MEMBERS.

Thanks for reading and showing support. We appreciate both. 

-- Deadline Detroit staff

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